Neurologically-based chiropractic care fine-tunes the functions of your whole body, including all of your senses. One common, unexpected effect is improvement in vision. For most people the improvement is slight and don’t necessarily notice it, but for some it can be dramatic.
About 12 years ago, I had a client that came to me while she was in the midst of a severe migraine and lost most of her vision. A brain scan revealed that she had a mild stroke, causing the severe headache, and damaging the part of her brain that controls vision. After an adjustment, most of her lost vision returned almost immediately. Her peripheral vision on one side was still absent and her ophthalmologist told her it would likely never return. However, after about 3 months of regular care and proper rest, her complete field of vision was gratefully restored and the brain scan was also clear, showing that the brain and nervous system can heal naturally.
Many case studies have been published (see linked references below) documenting improvements in vision that’s been seen in chiropractic offices for over a hundred years. The chart below also shows the neurological connection between the eyes, the spinal column, and cranial nerves. Specific chiropractic can improve the functions of these nerves, allowing the whole body, including the eyes, to function even better, and helping you to engage and connect with life more effectively.
by Dr SJ NANA,
The association between visual incompetence and spinal derangement: an instructive case history
The Return of Color Vision Secondary to Macular Degeneration After Chiropractic Care
The treatment of presumptive optic nerve ischemia by spinal manipulation
A single cohort prospective trial of the immediate effects of spinal manipulation on visual acuity
See my previous articles related to this topic:
Hi. What about age related eye sight loss? Is that something that is irreversible?