Chiropractic Can Help With Anxiety & Depression
As the way of life we used to know seems to be melting away, are we ready for the world that is apparently upon us? While the world's economy has collectively crashed, the World Economic Forum is currently orchestrating what they have termed The Great Reset. One of the hallmarks of this new economy is the fourth industrial revolution, which is a life that essentially revolves around devices, artificial intelligence, and multiple sources of electrosmog. Unfortunately, this is a lifestyle that we are not biologically equipped to thrive in, especially if we continue with our current habits.
Many studies have shown that overexposing any biological organism to unnatural electromagnetic frequencies (beyond the natural resonance of 7.83 hertz from the Earth) has a well-documented harmful effect. A study published last month in the Journal of Occupational Health, found a higher risk of burnout and depression among workers in a power plant, as opposed to administrative workers in a hospital. Similar findings have been shown repeatedly in studies of electrical workers, clearly showing a higher incidence of depression and anxiety, among other neurodegenerative problems.
In recent years, I have had an ever-increasing number of clients that suffer from both depression and anxiety, many already resorting to psychotropic drugs, prescribed by doctors that are not aware of any other option to deal with this growing problem. I have seen many patients improve with these conditions, some even to the extent that they were able cease their dependence on the medication. Many case studies (see links below) have also shown the effectiveness of specific and gentle chiropractic for these life-disrupting conditions. Anxiety, depression, and chronic medication do not have to be a part of our new normal.
by Dr SJ Nana,