The Neurological Importance of Natural Deep Sleep
As mental health and neurological problems are continuing to rise, poor sleep is likely a major contributing lifestyle factor. Very few people get rejuvenating sleep anymore, with most relying on caffeinated drinks during the day and many dependent on sleeping pills at night. The hazardous effects of sleeping drugs are quite well-established in the scientific literature, and the harmful effects cannot be understated, including increased risk of cancer, chronic kidney disease, dementia, and even death.
A large study published this year of over 480,000 adults, found “that the use of sleeping pills is associated with an increased risk of mortality and shortened life expectancy, especially in extreme sleepers. Regular users should be aware of potential harms from sleeping pills.”
One of the bonus effects of neurologically-based chiropractic care that I’ve heard from hundreds of new clients is improved sleep quality. We’ve also recently added a modality called BrainTap, which has been shown to help many to achieve a deeper level of sleep. Deeper sleep is essential for the health of the brain, as this improves the detoxification mechanism that only occurs during the deepest sleep.
While most BrainTap sessions can improve your sleep quality, the following sessions have been carefully designed specifically for this purpose. We’ve had some very encouraging positive feedback from several of our clients already.
Planning a Restful Nights Sleep
Sleep Deep and Awaken Recharged
Making Peace with Your Body for Deep Sleep
Sleep Deep and Let Go of Unwanted Fears Forever
Going with the Flow Day & Night
Sleep quality is an absolutely essential ingredient to live a productive and healthy life and must be prioritized. Once you are able to sleep better, most people also look forward to sleeping and enjoy life more during the day — just as it’s meant to be.
by Dr SJ NANA,
Hypnotics' association with mortality or cancer: a matched cohort study
Using medication: What can help when trying to stop taking sleeping pills and sedatives?
Video: Sleep is your superpower | Matt Walker (19 min, 18 sec)
Video: Scientists Discovered How Sleep Cleans Toxins From Your Brain (4 min, 52 sec)
Guided Sleep Meditations + 5 Ways Your Brain is Influenced by Sleep