How To Help Release Emotional Trauma Naturally
Neural tension from trauma can have significant long-term health effects
It was like watching a scene from a movie in my rear view mirror, but it was actually happening just behind me!
While heading to the office last week, I found myself stuck in gridlocked highway traffic during rush hour. Out of the corner of my eye, I sensed movement in my rear view mirror. When I looked, I was shocked to see a truck smashing through cars and heading toward me, with only about 6-8 cars between me and this runaway double-trailered lorry! Blocked in by cars all around and a barrier to my right, there was nowhere to go! I thought the cars behind me will be crushed against me like blocks of dominoes.
Then suddenly, I saw the truck driver using all his effort to turn the truck to the right and break through the barrier onto the wide grassy median. Within a few seconds, the truck finally came to a stop several meters to my right, preventing even more destruction.
It all happened very quickly, but for a few seconds, I was quite sure that I was going to be part of this devastating accident. I called my wife to tell her to avoid the highway, as with about 20 cars involved, it was going to be closed for some time. While talking to her, I noticed that my voice was shaky and by the time I reached work, my nervous system was on edge. I was deeply grateful that I was spared, but my heart went out to those that were directly affected by this horrific accident.
With a nearly-full morning of clients scheduled, I had to somehow calm my system, so I could be at my best and help my clients to release their past traumas, rather than focusing on my recent one.
One of the best ways to release trauma is through exercise. However, this was not possible for me with such limited time. I then remembered a simple exercise, called Qigong Shaking (see short video and description below). After doing this for a minute or so, I felt less tense, more relaxed, but back in control; ready to put this very close call behind me and move forward to help my clients to heal and function better.
In recent years the subject of releasing emotional traumas has become a popular topic and means of healing, as science is showing that this trauma to the mind has a massive impact on the whole body and can have major long-term health implications. Releasing this trauma naturally is essential. This is one of the reasons that exercising is so important, because you are creating stress in your body, so your brain can learn how to adapt more efficiently, helping your mind and body to get stronger.
Many people are treated for post-traumatic stress with pharmaceutical drugs, but the risk of having adverse reactions to these neurotoxic drugs is doubled following a traumatic experience, according to a 2008 study. Fortunately, there are ways to release this trauma without side effects or intense physical exertion. Neurologically-focused Chiropractic Care also does this, as I’ve seen many people release these long-standing, latent traumas that come to the surface as they improve. BrainTap is also an effective way to retrain the brain to move beyond past traumas, using guided visualization carefully combined with light, sound and vibration.
Soon after experiencing any trauma, simple deep breathing exercises can help to release these harmful effects. Earthing or Grounding can also help. Another way is through movement, and shaking is a simple, but effective method that can be done by anyone and anywhere. In fact, this is an innate reaction that most animals use to release the effects of trauma. This excellent short video of a polar bear that was captured and released shows this amazing behavior.
In conclusion, remember that the spinal column provides more sensory nerve input to the brain than all of your sense organs, so long-standing subluxation patterns will slow down and possibly prevent the release of this neural tension. Releasing this trauma is not only essential for the healing and proper function of your Brain and Nervous System, but for your future overall health, as well.
by Dr SJ NANA,

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Qigong Shaking for Stress Relief Lee Holden Qi Gong in Relaxing Yosemite Valley
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