Chiropractic Can Improve Stomach Function
One of the more common and unexpected effects of chiropractic care is improved stomach function. While very few people come to us specifically for stomach problems, I’ve heard hundreds of our clients say that they are grateful to no longer experience acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn, and even ulcers. In fact, I’ve heard this from so many people, it makes me wonder why people think chiropractic care is only necessary if you have back pain.

The effect of stress on the digestive system is common knowledge, even in conventional medicine, so it’s not hard to see that improving the Brain & Nervous System’s ability to adapt will also help with stomach function.

Modern medicine has given these stress effects complicated names, like GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), esophagitis, dyspepsia, etc., which only increases anxiety and stress levels, further compounding the issue. While often ignoring lifestyle factors, they then treat these symptoms with pharmaceutical drugs that target the nerves which control the stomach, in an attempt to manage the effects of this stress, while unfortunately creating other problems that are potentially even worse.

A large study from 2013 found that drugs used for acid reflux can even contribute to heart problems. A 2019 study found that long-term use of these drugs can lead to “increased mortality due to cardiovascular disease, chronic kidney disease, and upper gastrointestinal cancer.” A 2022 study found an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease in patients over 50 years old that used this drug to treat ulcers. Another study concluded that avoiding these drugs “may prevent the development of dementia.”

Considering that the stomach has such an extensive nerve supply from the mid-spinal region, as well as the upper neck which affects the Vagus Nerves, it’s easy to see how neurologically-based chiropractic care can also help with stomach problems.

What’s also important to remember is that improving neurological function to the stomach will also make digestion more efficient, which is essential for recovery from other health problems, as well as overall health, vitality, and well-being. When your stomach functions well, digestion and absorption of nutrients improves and you become more aware of unhealthy foods that don’t agree with you.
Poor posture also contributes to digestive problems. Chiropractic care also makes you more aware of your posture, especially when you are sitting, which can help take pressure off your digestive organs, allowing your food to flow freely and digest properly.
There’s an old saying in our profession: “Chiropractic first, drugs second, and surgery last.” If more people knew this, we could prevent many health problems, adverse drug side effects, and potential surgical complications that can keep you from realizing your full potential.
by Dr SJ NANA,
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